Tuesday 22 January 2019

Why we need a Goddess of Love

Although many people read positive thinking books, most have problems making it work for them.  One of the reasons is because they have doubts that thinking positive thoughts would give them what they want.  So, negative feelings of doubt will slow down any positive momentum that they are trying to create.

When people with a religious background have similar doubts its because they don’t believe god will give them what they want and desire.  Some may have used prayer, and haven’t got any results doing this and so don’t have any faith in any sort of mind power.

One way to overcome this barrier is to change the way we see God.  The problem about our image of god, is that religions have given him or her a bad name.  Priests discovered long ago that if they portray god as judgmental and punitive, they could frighten the people into obedience.  While also gaining wealth and power for themselves.

An example of this is the concept of absolution.  The idea was that if the priest didn’t absolve you from your sins before you passed away, you would go to hell.  The priests expected to be paid to do this and were able to extort large sums of money from dying people by frightening them.

This was a very profitable racket for the priests but in doing so they portrayed god as being unreasonable, cruel and vindictive.  Priests also defame god’s character in other ways.  When there was plague and famine the priests told the people it was a punishment from god because the people were ‘sinful’.  So the priest used natural disasters to frighten the people into obeying the Church.

This works very well for the priests but not for the people exploited by them.  We all have the gift of freewill but if we are deceived by priests to believe god is angry with us and wants to punish us, then we are tricked into using our freewill against our best interests.  As these very negative ideas have created for people, a very negative reality of pain and suffering.

In the past people learned to fear god to the degree that people in the past called themselves, “god-fearing people”.   And in those times people lived in dire poverty because they had such a negative world-view.  Nowadays most people have a more enlightened view of god, but the fear of god remains.

The tragedy of this, is that this is not how Jesus portrayed god in the New Testament as he talked about a loving Father God.  But the later Christians priests realized you couldn't extort very much money out of people if they said god was a loving and caring deity.  So they preferred to portray god like what is written in the Old Testament.

So we have a choice of seeing god as a judgmental and punitive god as like portrayed in the Old Testament or as a loving Father God as portrayed as Jesus.  This makes a difference because if we think god will judge and punish us, we are very unlikely to want to reach out to him, for help.  But we might do so if we see him as a loving Father God.

This is certainly how Jesus wanted us to see god, but male priests saw this as a bad business model for making money.  This is why the concept of a caring deity has to be promoted by caring people, like a priesthood of maternal women.  It is caring women who are more likely to promote the concept of a loving and caring deity than male priests.

We are far more likely to see a goddess as a loving deity than a god.  Goddesses like Aphrodite, Venus, Astarte and Eos were all Goddesses of love, a god of love wouldn't be seen as appropriate.  So a maternal MotherGod served by a female priesthood is the best way to restore the name of God so She can once again become the loving and caring deity She truly is. 

At the dawn of history there were many myths about a Golden Age in the past where people lived in peace, harmony and had everything they wanted or desired.  To quote from Ancient Greek myths.-

"The first age was an age of innocence and happiness.  Truth and right prevailed, though not enforced by law, nor was there any magistrate to threaten or punish.  The forest had not yet been robbed of its trees to furnish timbers for vessels, nor had men built fortifications around their towns.  There were no such thing as swords, spears, or helmets.  The earth brought forth all things necessary for man, without his labour in ploughing or sowing.  Perpetual spring reigned, flower sprang up without seed, the rivers flowed with milk and wine, and yellow honey distilled from the oaks."

There were similar myths all over the world in places like South America and China.  One of these myths is the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve lived a life of harmony before it went wrong.  This is an old story that pre-dates Judaism and come from ancient Babylon.

The interesting thing about this, is that archaeologist have discovered ancient Neolithic towns and cities that support these Golden Age stories.  The archaeologists Marija Gimbutas has written a number of books about this.  She points out that in the excavations of Neolithic towns and cities archaeologists could find very little evidence of conflict, war and violence.  While at the same time there were no big houses for the rulers or rich people as all the houses were the same.  Suggesting, that people then lived in a very equal society.

At that time the people worshiped the Great Mother whom gave birth to the world.  Then, at the beginning of the Bronze Age all this suddenly change when people began to worship gods and then archaeologist discovered evidence of extreme violence and the start of hierarchal societies in the Bronze Age layers. Where, defensive walls were built around towns and cities and images of extreme brutality were found.  Large palaces and temples were also built with a minority living in large houses and the rest of the people living in poverty.

So why would society live in peace, harmony and equality when they worshipped the Great Mother but we had conflict and violence when people began to worship male gods?  The reason is that when we worship God in the form of a Mother we easy imagine Her giving us all unconditional love and everything we desire. 

If we accept ideas like, “we create our own reality”.  Then believing in a supreme and powerful deity that loves us all unconditionally means we all have a very positive altitude about the world we live in.  This then makes it easy for us to create a positive reality for ourselves without trying.  People then wouldn’t have to learn about positive thinking, because just being taught about the Great Mother who loves them all unconditionally was enough.

Then people decided to have sexual equality and worship male gods as well. Unfortunately, male gods as we have seen throughout the patriarchal age, create negative thinking.  This is because men are more conditional in their love as well as being more aggressive and assertive.  So people began to introduce negativity in their lives when they worshiped male gods.

Other problems where that people no longer had faith in a male’s god unconditional love.  The concept of a male god’s conditional love created negativity which would be made worse when male priests exploited this.  By telling worshipers that god was angry because they didn't do what the priests wanted.

So when the prayers to these male gods no longer worked, because of negativity surrounding these gods, their priests make excuses and blamed others including the Goddess worshipers.

So the blame-game would create even more negative thoughts and feelings, and also hate and violence as the male priests encouraged their followers to not only blame, the Goddess worshipers but hate them as well.  This is because they were competitive and saw the Goddess worshipers as the opposition.  So the negative thoughts and ideas coming from the god worshipers would also create negative feelings in the Goddess worshipers when they encountered god worshipers.

Unfortunately, people then wouldn't have any concept of positive and negative thought.  All they knew was that everything had suddenly gone wrong and no-one was sure why.  The male priests would be sure whom to blame for what was going wrong, and that would be everyone except themselves.  While the holy women, would be confused and uncertain because they never encountered a situation like this before.

So the male priests saw this as an opportunity in which to exploit and used aggression, violence, deception and propaganda to get what they want.  Yet in spite of this Goddess religions continued for thousands of years.  The reason was that the people who stayed with original religion of the Great Mother, were still able to created a positive reality for themselves that the priests could not touch. 

This then makes sense of some of teaching of Jesus when he said, “the meek shall inherit the Earth.”  Which so many people cannot understand and make the joke, “if that’s all right by everyone else.”

This teaching by Jesus doesn't make sense in our patriarchal world but does make sense if think about the limitless power of the Ancient Great Mother. 

What we have to understand with positive thinking is that love and compassion are far higher vibrations than aggression, hatred, fear and violence.  So in spiritual terms the unconditional love mothers have for children, animals and men, is a far more positive than the aggressive and competitive nature of men.   

This is why that before men can use aggression and violence on women, he has to first drag down her from her higher loving vibration.  Abusive men do this all the time.  They start off being charming and entertaining.  Then the woman is subjected to put-down jokes that slowly turn into verbal abuse that undermines a woman’s confidence in herself.  Finally, when the abusive man has dragged her down so she feels worthless, he can then subjected her to physical abuse.

This then means that a woman who can keep her vibration high through her loving nature cannot be touched.  This is because anyone who comes into contract with her will be strongly influenced by the loving feelings she gives out.

Women can also be dragged down through sacrificial love.  It is natural for women to put the needs of her children before herself, but both children and men can exploit this maternal love to make a women feel guilty about not giving enough to them.

This is why when women gives unconditional love it is important they have the same love for themselves and not the sacrificial love that patriarchy encourages women have.

Because unconditional love is extremely positive, this positive feeling can be used to give a person wealth and power.  To stop this happening, the priests put out the teachings that saintly people have to renounce the world and live in poverty.  So nuns, not only in Christianity but other religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Taoism, have to take a vow of poverty. 

This is the exact opposite of what we want.  To make our world a better place we need the most loving and caring people in positions of power.  This is in contrast to priests who have become extremely wealthy, with enough wealth and power to match kings and princes.  So according to patriarchal religion it is all right for corrupt and deceitful priests to become fabulously wealthy but not caring and loving women.

The point is that a truly loving person cannot be corrupted by wealth and power.  Loving and caring women who understand the power of love is the biggest threat to the patriarchal society.  This is why patriarchy has belittled women for thousands of years but now it is changing and women are now demanding respect and power.

Women have the choice of learning to be like men and try and be as aggressive and assertive as men.  Or go down the path or positive thinking and through love learn to raise their vibration high enough to be One with the ancient Great Mother and her limitless power.  

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