Thursday 10 January 2019

Rasa Von Werder reads a new article by William Bond


Reclaiming Matriarchal Power

The foundation of patriarchal power comes from two concepts.  The first is the idea that the world was created by a male god as we see in patriarchal religions.  The second is that we live in a materialistic world where the most aggressive, competitive, ruthless and deceitful people are the most powerful and successful.  This is promoted by patriarchal science which talks about, “the survival of the fittest.”

The foundation of Matriarchal power is the concept that the world is created by a Feminine deity who is the ONE, the one mind and spirit.  Because She is the ONE She is the supreme power and women can connect to this ultimate power through love and Oneness.  People have called her the Great Mother, Mother Goddess or MotherGod.

In our patriarchal world we are of course taught all about patriarchal power and never about Matriarchal power and while women are unaware of their connection to the Feminine One they remain powerless.  They are taught the only way to gain power is to be as aggressive and competitive as men and most women find this very difficult.

In our patriarchal world some women try to connect to the Feminine One through patriarchal religions and find themselves worshipping a male god and being advised by a male priesthood.  For this reason they find it difficult to see through this patriarchal filter to connect to the Feminine One.

So if a woman can find her true connection to the Feminine One how does it make her powerful?  To understand this we have to challenge two patriarchal beliefs.  The first one is that we live in a materialistic world.  The second is that love is a weakness. 

The reason why patriarchy promotes the idea we live in a materialistic world is because in the physical world the masculine is more powerful than the feminine.  Men are physically bigger and stronger than women as well as being more aggressive, competitive and ruthless than women.

Feminine power comes through Oneness and Oneness is found through love.  Back in the 1980s feminists had the slogan, “the sisterhood is powerful.” This never caught on because feminist tried to be like men and became more competitive.  As the result they also became competitive with each other and the sisterhood broke up through internal disputes.

An example of a powerful sisterhood is the bonobo ape.  Female bonobos are able to dominate the larger males through a strong and powerful sisterhood.  But a sisterhood is only possible if women love and care for each other.  This is why the bonobo is called the “make love not war” ape as bonobos defuse aggression through sex.

In our masculine world, love is seen as a weakness when people are competing against each other for power.  Competitive men talk about the, “killer instinct”, and claim, “nice guys come last” when explaining how to achieve success in our brutal patriarchal world.  Women are then told, they have to try and learn to be like this, if they want to succeed.

But if women learn from the bonobo ape then a powerful sisterhood become possible.  So instead of trying to be like men, they can connect to other women through love and the sisterhood can be powerful in practise.

Love can also be a powerful political force.  It should be obvious that the people would vote for politicians who genuinely loved and care for the people they represent.  Instead, too many female politicians have taken the masculine route and allowed themselves to become corrupt.  As the result they have taken money from wealthy bankers and businessmen and have served their interests and not the people.

Women want to care for all the children of the world, as well as the sick, disabled and all the animals.  But women are very limited in what they can do to help others, if they are second class citizens and so are poor and powerless in our patriarchal world.

So if women do want to care for children, the sick and animals then they have to obtain for themselves the power in which to do this.  Some women have tried to do this through the patriarchal route believing that, “the ends justify the means”.  So they have either married rich men or have learnt to be as competitive and ruthless as male politicians or businessmen and obtained wealth and power this way.  Some women can make this work, but mostly by doing this, their power is still limited.

When a woman marries a wealthy man she can only influence him, he still retains the real power.  If she becomes a politician and accepts bribes to further her career, she finds she has to serve the interests of those who pay her and not interests of the people she represents.  If she becomes a successful businesswoman she finds that if she gives away too much of her wealth to help others, she loses her power and influence.

Rich and powerful women find themselves only giving money to charities which only have a limited power in which to help others and even less if they are run by corrupt administrators.  So women who take the patriarchal path to power always find themselves alone and isolated and limited in how much they can do. 

So Matriarchal power can only come about when all women are empowered. But more than this, women can use the power of the mind.  There are many positive thinking books that teach us that a positive frame of mind can give us everything we want and desire. 

Many scientists claim we live in a total materialistic world, where there is no god and positive thinking is nonsense, because our thoughts have no influence on the material world.  But science holds a dark secret and that is quantum physics and the double-slit experiment.

The foundation of science is that they are rational and impartial observers of nature and through this, the truth of anything can be obtained by research and testing.  This is not what happened when the double-slit experiment was performed.

It would take a long time to explain what the double-slit experiment is about, but you can find out on the internet if you are interested.  Double slit experiment explained,

The point is that it showed clearly that the thoughts and expectations of the scientists running the experiment can change its whole nature.

This means that positive thinking does have a scientific foundation, our thoughts, expectations and beliefs do influence our physical world.  If we accept this, then this nullifies the physical advantage that men have over women. 

Yet again, positive thinking is framed in a masculine mindset.  So we have sportsmen and businessmen promoting and using these ideas to beat their opponents, but it doesn’t have to be like this.  Positive thinking doesn’t have to be competitive.  Women can use it a total loving and caring way and use it to benefit everyone.

Positive thinking also makes sense of our world.  Atheist when arguing against religions put forward the point.  “If we were created by a loving god, why do we live in a world of suffering?” 

The answer to this, is that the loving deity that created our world also gave us the gift of freewill and through this freewill we create our own reality.  This is why patriarchal religion create great suffering in our world because they never tell us this.  They keep it to themselves.  So even though there are hints about positive thinking in the Bible and other religious teachings, the priests don’t talk about it. 

Recently there has been a best-selling book by Rhonda Byrne called, “The Secret” which is all about positive thinking, but why is positive thinking a secret?  In the competitive patriarchal world, “you never give a sucker and even break.”  So the people who are unaware they create there own reality through the thoughts they think are powerless compared to those who know this.  So the rich and powerful have kept this knowledge a secret to keep the common people and women powerless.

Knowledge that our thoughts create our own reality began to seep out in the 18th century in Austria through the work of Dr Franz Anton Mesmer.  Who was able to perform miracle cures on his patients.  He was very controversial and other doctors stop him continuing his practise but his work was continued in the form of Mesmerism which later became Hypnosis, when they took the healing aspect out of it.  

Mesmerism became popular in the USA in the 19th century and from it evolved the New Thought movement.  The most well-known and controversial member of this was Mary Baker Eddy who was the founder of the Christian Science Church.

Then in the 20th century the New Thought movement was changed into positive thinking.  The difference between the two is that New Thought focused more on healing people while positive thinking is more about how to make lots of money.

If we are able to accept the concept that, we create our own reality, through the thoughts we think.  Then this is a big help to women in general, because positive thinking doesn’t depend on physical size, strength or aggression to make it work. 

This is why a Matriarchal religion would be a great help to women, because it can worship a feminine deity and teach positive thinking to empower women. It can also give a powerful message of love and Oneness.

Concepts like, “we create our own reality,” can overcome masculine power completely.  The argument against matriarchy is that won’t be able to defend itself against violent and aggressive men.  But if we accept we live in a world of mind, then women can defend themselves again masculine physical force by not accepting it into their reality.

More than this, men will make themselves weaker if they continue to use physical force, because mental and spiritual power is far stronger than material power. 

It is far easier for women to tune into the loving power of the Feminine Creator because you find Oneness through love and harmony and in spite of what patriarchal teaches, love is the most powerful and unifying force in the universe.

1 comment:

  1. Damn she is sexy. Nice big breasts cleavage face hair outfit. I would date and screw her everyday.
