Wednesday 8 September 2010

My Views on the World's problems

This is a comment i made on Facebook and decided to reproduce it here. -

Enlightenment is the key, to our human difficulties, if every one became enlightened then we wouldn't have any problems. The problem is that it seem only a minority of people actually want to search for this.

I believe that the root of all our problems is that the Great Mother in her wisdom gave us all the gift of freewill.  So we all have the freewill to guided and helped by the Great Mother or we all have the freewill to defy her and turn our backs on Her. Most of us have chosen to either to turn our backs on her to go our own way, or have done so because we have been deceived into worshiping false male gods.

As I have written in my book, Gospel of the Goddess, with my co-author Pamela Suffield.  When we turned our backs on the Great Mother and went our own way to find ourselves, it was men who led the way, this is why we have a patriarchal society.  We done this to find our own individuality.  But when we collectively want to return to the love, peace and harmony of the Great Mother it will be women who will lead the way. (This is also explained in the New Testament in the story of the Prodigal Son.)

The masculine gives us individuality, but also separation, and it is extreme form gives us, conflict, hatred, violence and chaos. A world of only men would quickly destroy themselves.  The feminine gives us love and nurturing, and it is extreme form gives us Oneness where all individuality disappears.  So enlightenment is about bringing together these two forces within ourselves.

All of us know about the conflict and chaos of a world ruled by the masculine, living in a patriarchal world. To further our education we then need to experience the love and harmony of a world ruled by women.  So that we can live as individuals in a loving and caring world.

1 comment:

  1. The VERY definition of patriarchy is a power heirarchy. When there is a heirarchy, there will always be a might is right mentality. There will always be an oppressive methodology.

    "The masculine gives us individuality, but also separation"...

    The individuality that comes in a patriarchy is EGOISM. If one reads a book on profound wisdom, they will learn that the ego is the negativity that will grab the Soul by the balls and try to pull it down.
